Tuesday, April 21, 2020

The art of characterization in Julius Caesar Essays - Cassii

The art of characterization. JC Drama is concerned with the unfolding of characters and Shakespeare has constantly sought the most effective means to dramatize characters on stage. William Shakespeare?s art of characterization is one of the most distinctive features of the play, Julius Caesar. In this tragic and historic play, Shakespeare presents an imposing number of characters but the prime focus is always directed to those he wishes to highlight. The play Julius Caesar is a dramatization of the Roman historic events that revolves around the tragic death of Julius Caesar, and its consequences. Thus, characters in the play consist of people ranging from politically important members- those in the highest echelon, to their wives and servants, from the tribunes to the soldiers, the commoners in the Roman Society back then. The role of every character in the play fascinates the audience to the very end of the play, giving a great dramatic effect. The playwright has shown a great variety of human traits and outlooks that are possessed by these characters. The roles of both- the Chief and subordinate characters in the play, hold equal importance in driving the play ahead and entertaining the audience. But of course, the author has showed a conspicuous difference between the character development of each (chief or subordinate). The audience or readers may find the main characters more developed, since the plot revolves around th em. In the Scene I, Act I, the characters in play are the ones which do not appear again in the whole play. Shakespeare has used these characters to introduce the main characters of the play, particularly the eponymous character, Julius Caesar, who is introduced by a Cobbler. The dialogues between the Plebeians and the two annoyed Tribunes reveal the tension between these two sections of the Roman Society, at the very outset of the play. Thus Shakespeare shows characters having different loyalties and allegiances (most importantly- to Pompey or to Caesar). To absorb the attentiveness of the audience, and to keep it going, the playwright has given the characters in the Scene I, (especially, the commoners,) an ironic spirit of comedy. This offends the tribunes, which is when; the author makes use of influential oratory on the part of the Tribunes, to sway the crowd. The plebeians also get influenced, which reveals their fickle-mindedness. As the play progresses, the temperament of each of the characters comes into focus. The technique used by Shakespeare to characterize, follows a number of principal rules such as distinctiveness, contrast, consistence, effectiveness. Every Character is represented according to his distinctive features. Ambitious Caesar, Idealistic and Patriotic Brutus, Envious and Malcontented Cassius, Submissive women (Portia and Calpurnia), fickle-minded and changeable mob etc, and their influence on the whole action of the play is prominent. The character of Julius Caesar occupies a very significant place in the play, since. The playwright has made his character a very unique one. Caesar?s greatness and military genius in commended by the plebeians and is also secretly feared by all the rest. Through dialogues, monologues and soliloquies, Shakespeare not only reveals more about the people the character is speaking about, but also about the character itself. For e.g. When Cassius vents his rage against Caesar, he observes his ?lean and hungry look? and suspects danger (-his dialogue with Antony after returning from the games). Thus, Caesar has been devised as being a very astute judge of character. Shakespeare has endowed Caesar with a haughty attitude and excessive ambition, and also made him aware of his human psychological and physical vulnerability, for eg, him believing in superstitions and him having an attack of epilepsy. Which is why, often, Caesar is seen to be self-conscious, struggling between his pride an d his fear. His apprehension of being thought as a coward, paves the way for his arrogant and ruddy behavior. This however, is his character flaw which brings about his death at the hands of the conspirators. Antony is portrayed as one of Caesar?s favorites in the play. At first, Shakespeare shows Antony as a relaxed and jovial character. But we see a very important change in his role post Caesar?s death. This character is shown to be a mastermind, when he uses

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Why Should You Use Student Samples For FSA Argumentative Essay?

Why Should You Use Student Samples For FSA Argumentative Essay?Student samples for FSA argumentative essay can help students learn better when writing a paper. It is also great for preparing students to write for examinations in their subjects. The purpose of this essay is to demonstrate why you believe the government's case against the firm in an argumentative manner.To make the government's argument easy to understand, you need to remember that they have taken extreme measures to collect and assemble evidence to support their case. You will also be in a position to apply logical thinking skills to the arguments.Writing a FSA argumentative essay is not easy and it requires that you ensure that you do not over-complicate your essay. You should use general information, quotes and facts carefully in your essay. If you are to provide more detail, you may not want to go beyond the point where your audience can clearly see and understand the argument. An example of this could be the use o f too many figures or a large block of text in your argument.When composing your argument, you should be careful about using vocabulary and legal terms that you would not be able to use in everyday speech. For example, if you are trying to discuss corporate law, you should be aware that common words like lawsuit, domain name and contract will not be readily understood by students. It is important that your students write an argument based on knowledge alone. The aim is to leave them with ideas and information and not leave them with knowing nothing.Once you have been able to establish a particular point of view, you will have to put forward a rebuttal that will get your students thinking. You should be sure that your article is geared towards persuading the reader that your points are correct and give them reasonable grounds to support their point of view.Writing a FSA argumentative essay will need an investment of time and effort. However, the investment will pay off in the long ru n. Students who make use of student samples for FSA argumentative essay find that their grades do not suffer as much as if they had not written any actual argument.They are able to find more useful ways of delivering their arguments. Even if you do not make use of student samples for FSA argumentative essay, you should still be able to master the basic techniques of effective argumentative writing. You can find teacher resources online that can teach you the basics of argumentative writing.Your full length work or exam is dependent on how well you perform. A good essay is a surefire way of helping you score higher on exams. Writing a FSA argumentative essay is an essential part of achieving a successful argument.